| Sportboot- und Segelschule | Sportboot- und Segelschule
Martinistraße 68
28195 Bremen
0421 / 498 97 95
0421 / 43 49 97 73
To the website
28195 Bremen
0421 / 498 97 95
0421 / 43 49 97 73
To the website
Business hours
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 14:00 Uhr
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 14:00 Uhr
Am Brill (Hutfilter-Obernstraße)
Parking garage
BREPARKhaus Am Brill
In-depth training for recreational boating
We have been successfully training sailors and motorboat operators for many years and offer advanced training courses and yacht trips in domestic and foreign waters. We provide theoretical and practical training for standard operator licences for offshore and inland waters as well as for the advanced yacht master coastal and yacht master ocean licences and long-range radio certificates. No previous experience is necessary.