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The City of Bremen

Bremen City is the inner city of Bremen.
There are different city districts in Bremen City.
For example: Schnoor, Schlachte, Altstadt.
Every part of the city has something special.
Some city districts are very modern.
And in other parts of the city there are still many old houses.
Bremen is a big city.
But in the city of Bremen everything is very close together.
So you never have to walk far.
Bremen residents and guests from all over the world
in the city of Bremen.

This is what you can do in Bremen City:

  • to go shopping
  • stay
  • go sight seeing
    for example the Bremen town hall or the Roland.
  • Experience culture
    for example museums or galleries.

Bremen's economy is very important for the city.
Examples of the economy include:

  • stores
  • restaurants
  • Museums
  • Hotels

The CityInitiative Bremen Werbung eV represents
the Bremen economy.

What is the Bremen City Initiative?

The CityInitiative Bremen is an association.
The members of the association are people with a company in Bremen City.
For example, our members have

  • a clothing store.
  • a restaurant.
  • a hotel.

What does the CityInitiative Bremen do?

We are committed to the goals and wishes of our members.
We talk about it with politicians and people from the administration.
We do advertising and events
so that many people come to the city.
And we care
that the city is clean and there are many trees and flowers.
It's getting nicer and better in the city.
This is also good for Bremen and the Bremen economy.
Our members know the city well.
That's why we want to have a say
what the city of Bremen should look like in the future.

For example:

  • What new houses or paths should there be in the city?
  • What new shops should there be in the city?

We also consider:
What can you do with empty shops or squares?
We do a lot of projects in Bremen for this.

We do campaigns and events to make Bremen City more beautiful.
For example:

  • Sandboxes for children
  • Flower boxes
  • Concerts
  • Seats

We make for our projects and campaigns
Advertising in newspapers and on the Internet.

What can you find on our website?

There is a lot of information on this website
to Bremen City and the city districts in the city.
Maybe you want to know: What shops are there in the city?
There is a list of all the shops in the city on the website.
For example, restaurants or shops for clothes.
And there is also this information on the website:

  • What events are there in the city?
  • Where can you shop in the city?
  • What special promotions are there in the city?

What's new in the city?

The members of the CityInitiative Bremen can
meet and get to know each other on the website.
So you can work well together.

City Guide

Do you want to know more about the shops in the city?
Then use the City Guide.
This is spoken: zit-ti-geit.
That's English and means: city guide.
The City Guide has a list of all the shops in the city.
The shops are divided into 5 areas:

  • Stores
  • Gastronomy
  • Hotels
  • Leisure
  • Service


For example, do you want to know which restaurants are in the city?
Then click on the gastronomy section.
Do you want to use the City Guide?
Then click here: CityGuide


Would you like more information about events in the city?
For example: Lectures, readings or concerts.
Then click here: Events in Bremen City


Do you want information about special promotions in the city?
For example: Is there a new store or
a new building in the city?
Then click here: News from Bremen City