CityInitiative Bremen Werbung e.V.
Bremen's city centre is the heart of Bremen and the CityIniative is the strong voice of Bremen's city centre. We represent the interests of our members from the retail, gastronomy, service, real estate and cultural sectors vis-à-vis politicians and administrators, work for a sustainable and liveable city centre in a close network with regional and supra-regional partners and multipliers, conduct holistic city marketing and strong public relations work for the city centre as a location and are actively involved in the processes of urban development. Through our subsidiary CS City-Services GmbH, we also look after other location communities and are project sponsors of Bremen's BIDs. We are convinced that only the joint efforts of private actors and the public sector can do justice to the diversity of tasks in the city. In a nutshell: our core areas are city marketing, urban development in the city centre and political work - we are experts in these areas and these are our strengths!
1 We speak for the City
The CityInitiative represents the interests of its members vis-à-vis politicians, the administration and the press and is also a competent contact for their representatives. Our voice carries weight and we achieve a high level of attention and acceptance.
Projects and measures: Co-initiator and member of the Action Alliance Inner City . Regular exchange with senatorial authorities and their heads. Round table on cleanliness and safety in the city centre together with the safety partnership . Press work . Publication of position papers . Conducting customer surveys . Operation of a pedestrian counting system at 5 inner-city locations . Conducting the IFH study for Bremen
2 We promote the city centre and our members
Bremen's city centre is the calling card of the Hanseatic city, its so-called "gute Stube", and a vital centre of business, politics and tourism. Whether as a retail, pleasure or cultural destination: we actively promote the city centre in and around Bremen as well as in key centres of the metropolitan region and support the city marketing in further promotion. In addition, we conduct active public relations and press work for the location.
Projects and measures: Organisation and implementation of the CityMedia campaign with up to 10 flights in print, digital, out-of-home and radio and over 30 million contacts in Bremen and the surrounding area . Quarterly CityMagazine "mittendrin" . Sales-promoting campaigns such as "Lieblingsorte" (Favourite Places) . Maintenance of the social media presence "bremen-city" . Newsletter . Annual publication of the city centre guide "CityGuide" . Maintenance of the city centre online portal "bremen-city" . Occasion-related promotional campaigns . More than 40 press releases and texts per year . Raffle promotions and cooperations
3. we design and organise events
The CityInitiative promotes the attractiveness of the city centre through new experiences in the form of events. Existing projects for visitors, as well as for members and the business community, are constantly being renewed and developed. In addition, the CityInitiative applies for and organises the three open Sundays in Bremen's city centre and other sales-promoting events.
Projects and measures: City Lights - Illumination Days . Maritime Week - business, science, maritime flair . Holidays in the City - series of events in summer . Information series on digitalisation for retail and gastronomy . Shopping at home with Made-in-Bremen Market . Sundays open to the public with a supporting programme . Exhibitions and vernissages . Open-air concerts . Christmas events
4 We create quality of stay
The city centre should invite people to linger and enjoy themselves. To this end, we carry out projects to increase the quality of stay and also lobby other actors for a clean, safe and pedestrian-friendly city centre.
Projects and measures: Bremen blooms up - temporary greening in spring . Street furniture . CitySandboxes - family meeting place in summer . Winter and Christmas lighting in the neighbourhoods . Free City WLAN . Temporary decorations and creation of selfie hotspots .
5. managing the location
All inner-city districts have different conditions and qualities, yet they all have the same goal: to be attractive for visitors and businesses. We are committed to this and organise various location communities via our subsidiary or also coordinate individual neighbourhood actions.
Projects and measures: Lighting and greening measures . Project sponsor for the Ansgari BID and the Sögestraße BID . City Management Schlachte Marketing . Support for the LLOYD PASSAGE . Support for Walldach Gbr